The music's not there to save the world - it's there to save your life
Drove back on Friday afternoon, and then joined the Art Van Go mob for a drink in the evening. Mentioned to Viv that it was a shame about Woolworths becoming the latest victim of the recession and it turned out that both Viv and I had started our working lives there as Saturday girls. I earned the princely sum of £1 2s 6d (that's £1.12p for any younger readers) for a whole day on Saturday. I started on the cake counter, selling unpackaged cake and loose biscuits, (oh shock, horror, whatever would the Health and Safety blokes say?) and progressed to the sweet counter. I wonder if that's where my current dietary habits started?
On Saturday I met my l'il sis and niece in Cambridge for some Christmas shopping - I think I have done most of it it now which is a result. Also met a very nice lady in Borders while we were both perusing the various arty/crafty/sewing magazines - aren't stitchers friendly people?
Stayed over in Cambridge last night with my niece, then got back today and had a very wet and muddy walk. Right, now to wrap those presents ....
On Friday I had another teaching session with Edie - she has started on a Christmas table runner - so she's not given herself much time, but it's all cut out now and I know she was keen to get started. Ooh - I wonder - maybe I could subcontract my homework to her...
Yesterday was a Leyton Orient day. REALLY busy as they were playing Millwall, and it was nearly a capacity crowd but it ended in a 0-0 draw so no problems in the end. Right that's it, I'm off to update the Art Van Go blog next, then I think it's a chilly walk in the sunshine!
On Saturday we had a wander round the town, and those of us that didn't go for lunch, swiftly followed by a cream tea (so that's just the older generation then) went to Snape Maltings and spent several hours browsing (and shopping). On our return, the general consensus was that we couldn't be bothered to get ready to go out to eat, so we had fish and chips followed by more cake, followed by party games that appeared more hilarious after a glass or two of wine. And champagne. And punch. And port. (Port??)
On Sunday we all went off to Southwold - very cold and windy but the sun was shining, so we had a wander along the pier - you're right, it's only the Brits who would chose to sit outside rather than go inside to have coffee
All absolute essentials - I'm sure you'll agree. I think I was quite controlled.
Thursday I was teaching my 80 year old pupil Edie with her stained glass patchwork. The trickiest bit seems to be working out in advance the order in which to stitch the bias strip, so that most of the joins are covered up and you don't have too many folded pieces. Anyway, it's still a work in progress but Edie was happy for me to photograph it at this stage.
Can you see what it is yet??? (said in a Rolf Harris voice if you can manage it)
I'm going back there next week, so hopefully we will get it finished then - but it will definitely be done in time for C......... mas (I'm not saying it yet, not until November at least.
Right, now off to do a bit more homework......
Please don't anyone tell him he's got odd shoes on - he thinks it makes him look hip and trendy!
On Saturday, I managed to nip off to have a quick look at Ruth Issett's exhibition before the show opened. And I think I may have discovered where she gets the inspiration for all those beautifully bright colours - she's obviously looking at the world through rose tinted champagne glasses - and this was half past nine in the morning!! Maggie Grey was clearly encouraging her - these bohemian artists must all be the same!
Seriously though, Ruth's exhibition was fantastic - such wonderful use of colour and pattern - it just makes you happy to look at it. If it was music it would be the Beach Boys, or Teenage Fanclub, or The Delays (depending on your era) - all summer and sunshine. My photos can't possibly do Ruth's work justice, but in case you didn't see the exhibition - here's a taster
I only worked two days at Ally Pally this year - we were busy non-stop as usual. It seems that people have decided to take their money out of the banks and invest in art materials instead!
It was a lovely day - (hotter here than Barcelona, apparently) and a great opportunity to enjoy what may be our last day of sunshine this year. Didn't see many other people out and about - presumably they were inside watching the omnibus edition of Eastenders.