Well, I'd love to be able to report that that Tewin Car Show was an unmitigated success, and that we sold loads of stuff. I'd love to, but it would be a complete fabrication.
First, the pluses - despite a slightly damp start to the day, the sun came out and it was a lovely day. Val's gazebo was really easy to put together, so no hitches there. We didn't even mangle any tent pegs. (I have to say, that as everyone was setting up on the cricket field, and the 1950's music was playing over a crackly loud speaker, the day began to feel like the start of an episode of Midsommer Murders, so to ensure that we weren't inadvertently responsible for any nasty 'incidents', we made sure that we securely locked Val's claw hammer in the van - you can't be too careful)
We set our stall out (as they say) and we were pleased with how it looked, with Jill's pictures -
We set our stall out (as they say) and we were pleased with how it looked, with Jill's pictures -
My cake stands and jewellery -
and a small selection of Val's knitted stuff -We had a few visitors , and about a dozen people said how lovely my cake stands were, but then they turned over the ticket, saw the price and walked away. I'd priced them at £25. Now, leaving aside my time, for a moment, they actually cost me £15 per stand to make, just for the plates and fittings. Then there's the time involved in hunting down suitable plates, driving to the suppliers to buy the fittings, and the special drill bit you need to make the holes. It took quite a time to make them, and to choose which plates went together, then package them, and pay for the cost of the craft stall. So, I don't think £25 is unreasonable, do you?
Never mind, I guess that's some of my Christmas presents sorted out.
All in all, I sold 5 cards, for the princely sum of £4.50. Well, it would have been £4.50 but one of my customers was busy chatting and forgot to pay me, so I actually took £3 all day. I think it's unlikely I'll be nominated for "Business Woman of the Year"
The only time I took any cash, was when I was doing my one hour stint in the refreshment tent - when we served cakes and drinks non-stop- including serving Lewis Hamilton's dad with a cup of tea!
On the positive side, I got to spend the day in the sunshine with two great friends, and we did have a laugh, and from where our pitch was, we were fortunate enough to be in prime position to watch the Morris dancers
I'd love to say more about the Morris dancers, but I really can't afford to offend any potential customers. I remember watching a programme about them once, and the interviewer asked why they did it. One of the dancers said that there was always a lot of alcohol involved. I guess there would have to be.
The lack of customers meant that I had a chance to look around at the Classic cars - and this one was the most unusual - it's hand built and the bodywork is highly polished wood.
If I could have had my pick of the cars I saw - and there were lots of Porsches and Lamborghinis - I'd have picked the White Thunderbird. I love those big American cars with 'fins'. Knowing my luck though, I BET it belongs to one of the Morris Men.
So, I know I've said it before - and I'll quite possibly say it again - that's the last time I do a craft fair. From now on I just make stuff for me. Probably.
(The Last Time - Rolling Stones)