How's that for inspirational surroundings?
And this is some of us still hard at work after dinner, when it was dark outside. Those of us with staying power continued working until 11pm!
We didn't have a tutor - it was a 'Go it Alone' weekend, with everyone doing their own thing. Some people were working on quilts -
There were hangings - don't you just LOVE these colours ......
Cushions ...
Inchies .....
a jacket .....
and even a frog tidy/pincusion .....
It was lovely to have nothing to think of but stitching, (except, possibly, what time's the next meal coming) and there was always someone to give a bit of stitching advice or a second opinion on colourways. There was quite a lengthy discussion about strip patchwork, (which is NOTHING like strip poker) and I suggested the group could rename themselves The Dersingham Strippers, but it was decided that could encourage the wrong sort of members. We had some real laughs, and the atmosphere was a bit like a grown up girlie sleepover, but with less talk about boys, and more talk about medications and ailments.
And finally, although I'm not a patchworker or quilter in real life, here is my 'work in progress' - a 'bed-quilt-to-be' made from recycled tablecloths, traycloths and bedlinen. I will post another picture when it's finished. Probably best if you don't hold your breath, though.