Last night I went to a gig at The Troxy in Commercial Road, Limehouse ('the good'), narrowly avoiding the unpleasantness that was taking place just a few tube stops away at nearby Upton Park ('the bad'). I went to see Wilco, who were excellent, but that's not the reason behind this post.
The Troxy is a 1930’s art deco Grade II listed building. Originally designed as a cinema, it was renowned for its large revolving stage, Wurlitzer Organ and opulent decor which included chandeliers and large sweeping staircases.
The Troxy had live gigs in those days too, but then the headliners were Vera Lynn and the Andrew Sisters.
After suffering damage during the war, the Troxy closed in 1960, re opening in 1963 as the London Opera Centre, and was subsequently converted into a Bingo Hall which remained it's fate until 2006.
The Troxy had live gigs in those days too, but then the headliners were Vera Lynn and the Andrew Sisters.
After suffering damage during the war, the Troxy closed in 1960, re opening in 1963 as the London Opera Centre, and was subsequently converted into a Bingo Hall which remained it's fate until 2006.
It has now been restored to it's former glory by the present owners
My pictures don't do it justice, but might give you a bit of an idea ......

This 'THEN and NOW' picture was in the Daily Mail in an article about old cinemas, and my Mum sent it to me because it was our (then) local cinema in Chingford, where I used to go to 'Saturday morning pictures' and before that, where my Mum and Dad used to go to see film stars when they really WERE stars.
Who possibly thought it was acceptable to grant planning permission for this great Picture Palace to be turned into a bland- looking supermarket?
If I ever win the lottery (unlikely, I suppose, as I don't buy a ticket) I am going to have it transformed back to how it was, complete with usherettes, with a 'B' movie as well as the main feature. And then in the interval, the aforesaid usherettes will be back selling choc-ices and tubs from a tray, hanging around their necks.
And they say nostalgia is a thing of the past.

If I ever win the lottery (unlikely, I suppose, as I don't buy a ticket) I am going to have it transformed back to how it was, complete with usherettes, with a 'B' movie as well as the main feature. And then in the interval, the aforesaid usherettes will be back selling choc-ices and tubs from a tray, hanging around their necks.
And they say nostalgia is a thing of the past.