Friday 26 March 2010

LOVE letters - you can stick 'em!

I've had a really good day out at the Country Living Fair at the Business Design Centre in Islington.  I travelled up with friends Jill and Julia, and then met up with Gina (Fan My Flame).  We all showed great financial restraint this morning - I certainly didn't buy much at all.  But then,  after we'd all met up and had some lunch, it was a bit of a different story this afternoon.  Although, as regular readers will know, I don't cook, I bought some red spotty cupcake cases, matching paper napkins, and some red glitter stuff to sprinkle on fairy cakes.  I figure that if I can produce cakes that look pretty and sparkly, maybe no-one will notice that they're not up to much in the taste stakes.  It's always good to be aware of your failings.
Then we saw the Decopatch stand.  I'd first seen this when  Attic 24 was enthusing about Decopatch back in November.  I probably could have resisted, except that Gina said she was going to buy a kit, (consisting of MDF letters and glue and some beautiful tissue-y type paper)  and then she MADE me buy one too.  I'd been telling her earlier today, that she never seems to waste time - she decides she's going to make something and she does it - just like that, whereas I put it away and forget about it only to rediscover it some weeks/months/years later when I tidy up.  As we'd both got the same kit, and as I know she won't waste any time in finishing hers - I thought for once I'd get cracking with mine.  AND, as Gina was going straight from the show to meet up with some other bloggy friends - she won't be able to do hers tonight.
So,  as soon as I got home (without even pausing to eat) I was in my workroom, cutting and sticking until it was finished - and I've won! (not that it's a competition or anything, obviously)
It's really quick to do, and the glue/varnish dries very quickly - so hopefully it won't have made any sticky marks on the wall where I've put it to take the photograph.

Incidentally, I asked Gina for the instructions to make Tyvek flowers, which is one of the many wonderful workshops she teaches.  She very kindly, not only bought the instructions with her today - but she gave me this gorgeous flower too!

She said it would be easier to explain how they should look if I had an example.  Isn't it beautiful - and isn't she lovely?  I almost feel guilty for beating her in the decopatch race.


  1. Yours ARE lovely, and first .....but where are those sparkly cupcakes?! and, p.s., just HOW did Gina MAKE you buy the decopatch ... 'Chinese burn'?

  2. Okay okay... you win! (it is lovely) I didn't get home until 11pm last night so I haven't started mine. But I have made sparkly cupcakes this morning.
    And I thought you MADE me buy the decopatch...????

  3. Now now girls its the taking part not the winning! LOVE the letters (see what I did there.!!!

  4. Not quite sure which event you should enter for at the 2012 olympics but with that kind of competitive streak I bet you would be in with a chance.Lovely letters.

  5. wow - can't believe you did that so quickly! They look great.

  6. The letters look lovely! Not sure what I'm going to cover with paper first - probably one of the little Lockets if they sit still long enough! Lucy x

  7. country living fair....heaven. and I love your letters although Gina is very bad for MAKING you buy them!
