Just a quick post today to recommend that if you can get to London sometime in the next few months, I urge you to go and see the current exhibition at the V & A. It's had lots of press coverage in the past couple of weeks, so I've been really looking forward to it.
Yesterday was Preview Day, and as a 'Friend of the V&A' I got a personal invitation to go and see it before anyone else. Well, me and several hundred other 'Friends' obviously.
It's one of the best exhibitions I've seen, not just for the costumes - which were stunning - from films as diverse as Taxi Driver, Titanic, The Birds, Indiana Jones, Gone With The Wind, Wizard of Oz, Superman, Shakespeare in Love, Mamma Mia, Cleopatra, Funny Girl, My Fair Lady, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Kill Bill - (oh I could go on) - but also for the stories behind the costumes, interviews with Meryl Streep and Robert De Niro, and with some of the designers and film directors.
It was really well put together, very interesting, and it's made me want to watch all of the films again, just to see the costumes in action.
I think this was one of my favourites - Morticia's dress from The Addams Family
And of course, no exhibition of Hollywood Costumes would be complete, without these ...
In fact, the only way I could have enjoyed the day more was if they'd have let me try them on!
Actually, if you want to see an original pair worn by Judy Garland in the film, you'd best be quick - I did hear on the radio that the owner was only prepared to allow them out of the US for 4 weeks.
One minor niggle - if, by some slim chance you were the rude and ignorant (albeit very self-important) woman who took a phone call while in the exhibition, then proceeded to conduct a loud business conversation over the course of the next ten minutes, seemingly oblivious to all the the 'tuts' and cross-looking glances from other annoyed visitors - I'm proud to say that I was the one who grassed you up to the attendant.
HOLLYWOOD - The Wallflowers